Writers & Scribblers
If you write or you’ve ever wanted to write something, a novel, an essay, an article or perhaps a children’s story, for fun… or fortune and fame…this could be your thing.
Chesham Writers & Scribblers meet on the last Thursday of each month at The Drawingroom from 1pm -3pm. Entry cost is £5.00 per head to include a hot drink. This is a drop in meeting and new members are welcome.
The Mentor sessions are with the much loved and respected local author Margaret Graham and are held on the second Thursday of each month at a cost of £6.00 per head for Margaret, plus entry cost £5.00 per head to include a hot drink. This is not a drop in session, but if you wish to attend for a taster you may pay on the day and thereafter upfront for the remainder of her course.
There is a blog http://writersandscribblers.wordpress.com and a closed group Facebook page by invitation only. Please email janecarling@gmail if you wish to know more.
This came from the writer’s group…feed back!
“I’ve been meaning to speak with you purely to say a huge ‘thank you’ for our wonderful venue each month; we have now grown to 11 writers! I can’t tell you how amazing our meetings are, and we all just gel so beautifully. The Cameron Gallery has become very special to us all. Thank you.”